Sunday, March 24, 2019

This lane holds a secret ..... 'Murder Lane' (not !!!)

A small lane at the end of Norris road, flanked by 4 buildings, 2 of which have front entrances .. this is a mystery lane. Often called “Murder Lane’ by the residents around, it started off being a small lane with limited access - from one side there are some stone half-pillars which ensure you have to walk into the lane (no scooters, no cars) from one side

It is said that rowdy elements used it as a place to escape the police patrol and hide as they got drunk… which led them to become querulous and brawls ensured.

Today it a convenient shortcut for people travelling on foot to quickly access the large roads on each side

Amanda tells us more about Wellington Cross Road (“Murder Lane”).

This narrow, pedestrian, lane was likely originally a conservancy lane, providing side access to large Bungalows on either side. As the properties were divided and new structures were built, most of the low boundary walls were replaced by high ones, hiding the lane from view.

According to long-time neighbours, this factor, combined with a lack of lighting at night made the lane attractive to miscreants who would gather, drink, and sometimes pass-out and be found lying there in the morning. These unsavoury gatherings led to the false rumour of a murder. Neighbours speak of battling hard to get proper lighting for the lane and scare off the trouble-causers. Now the lane is well-lit and very safe. Hopefully, the rumour can now be laid to rest!

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